The holidays are right around the corner and “The Vines Vineyard and Winery” is getting into the spirit of the holidays with our latest addition…
We recently completed the first phase of the installation of our entrance sign into The Vines Vineyard and Winery.
Of course, the ladies couldn't wait to decorate the truck for the upcoming Halloween holiday! (see picture at left and keep reading below for more details about our truck sign.)
I know, I know… It has been a few weeks since we have sent out any updates.
We have been busy getting our sign (truck) ready and in-place, going through some planning sessions with the county, and getting the vineyard ready for the winter. So, the following should provide a quick overview of what we have been up to for the last few weeks;
Vineyard and Winery Entrance Sign
If you have been following our updates, chances are you probably read our previous article on The Vines Entrance Sign.
We received the approval from Douglas County back in September for the installation of our entrance signage. Once we had approval then it was just a matter of getting the truck ready to be put into place.
We want to thank Mongo's Garage from Independence, Mo. for the truck and the artwork that went into the door sign. We think it looks great!
Here are a few pictures of the setup of entrance sign…. We hope you enjoy them and will take a drive out to see our new addition.
We're not done yet… As mentioned, this is the completion of the first phase of our sign installation.
We have plans to include a framed in border around the base of the truck which will include a terraced structure for flowers and decorations.
We hope to start the second phase of our entrance sign in the coming weeks.
Planning Sessions
In our last update, we gave you some insight into what our options were for The Vines Winery. Well, I am happy to say that we have some more definite plans now based on the events of the last couple of weeks.
Earlier this week, we met with the Douglas County Planning and Zoning Commission, our Architect, and our Construction Manager to discuss the proposed remodel of our existing QSI Barn building. After a review of our concept design with the county, we received a “Green Light” to move ahead with the construction and remodel! This was a major hurdle that was completed and we look forward to launching this project in the coming weeks.
Here's the initial concept drawing as provided to the county;

The above drawing is our initial concept design. We have a few modifications to make and will be providing updates on our Winery/Tasting room layout as we get further into the project.
Watch for future updates!
Vineyard Plans
We have been working in the vineyard every week, getting preparations done for the coming months.
Our work has included training vines, mowing, weeding, and just general maintenance to ensure the vines mature as well as possible.
In the coming weeks, we will begin building out the trellis system, for the 750 vines planted this past spring, which will include the setting of roughly 200 “Line” posts for the trellis system to be installed in the spring of 2018.
In addition, we have scheduled our first public event in the vineyard!
Mark your calendars now and make plans to come out for our event;
2018 “Planting Party”
scheduled for April 21st, 2018.
If you think you might be interested please visit our Facebook Event page and RSVP for the event. This will be a half-day event with fun activities and plenty of food and drink for everyone participating in the event.
We will provide more details about the event as we get closer to the date!
We have lot's going on and everything is keeping us really busy!
We promise to keep you better updated about the happenings here at “The Vines”…
Until next time!
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